
Reset to zero

Didn't get anything done yesterday, not because I was busy or anything I just wasn't in the mood. I'm still so far off the next update it just feels like I'm wasting my time. Nevertheless I got a fair amount done today. I finally sorted out the issues with restarting after an ending is reached, a series of loops now resets all variables and custom properties to zero every time you restart the game (or at least they should, it will take a while to test and there are still some actions that may appear when they shouldn't). The biggest downside to this fix is that since there are now thousands of numbers being reset at once, when you start a new game it will take several seconds longer to begin depending on your machine. It shouldn't be more than 30 seconds even for old computers though and for most it should only be an extra 10-15 seconds so it isn't really an issue. I tried spreading them out a bit but then there were a number of pauses lasting several seconds each and I would prefer to get them all out of the way in one go, you have to wait for the game to load up anyway.

I also made some headway with the new player descriptions, since there are far fewer possibilities now I am using set descriptions rather than the old dynamic ones. They will feel less stale and there will be noticeable changes after each transformation rather than a few altered numbers and adjectives. Unfortunately this does mean more work but it will feel more rewarding for players who try out different combinations of things. Most of these descriptions won't be accessible immediately as the items to unlock them are not available yet but I will write them anyway so that future updates don't take as long as this one.

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