
It's so far, so far away

Started work on Sonia today, there are still some aspects of Christie's comments that I will have to test before calling her complete but there are a lot of branches and I feel that crowd sourcing may be more effective so I will leave her until post release and post feedback. I have too much work to do to worry about every little possible outcome. (It's scenarios such as you meeting Christie after multiple transformations have occurred that I am not sure will always make sense, this will likely be the case for many characters but will only affect a small number of players.) It's difficult pressing on when I know how much work is ahead of me, fortunately I can skip some characters as they have only one or two appearances in the game or at least reduce the number of branches and the minor characters don't need major reactions since you can't develop relationships with them anyway. Jenny might care if you lose your penis but Bob won't.

If anyone wants to get hold of me but doesn't want it to be public, my email address is: timandhisburntfingers@gmail.com
I will reply to all emails (unless you ask me not to) although since this is not my primary account I may not get your email straight away. If you are a member at TFGamesSite then you can PM me instead and I should be able to reply within 12 hours in most cases.


  1. Indeed, seeing how much ahead can be daunting; mapping out the small, finishable things and pecking away at those often helps.

  2. Well breaking it down into each character is about the best I can do right now, the problem is that I keep getting bored with that and finding other things to work on. It will make the finished product a whole lot better but isn't helping to get the update out any faster.


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