
1330 views, 1 comment... not sure if 1 lonely guy or 1000 lurkers

This isn't an update or anything, I just wanted to thanks for the support, even if it is silent. A 1000% increase in visitors at the mention of a future update is pretty impressive, I guess there are a few people who care at least a little about Redus. It really does help, seriously I've wanted to give up on this thing a few times now, even before the accident. I honestly think that had I not created this blog I would've done by now for sure, don't get me wrong I want to see this thing finished more than anyone but going months without being able to show off anything is pretty disheartening. I just hope that the changes in 0.4 will be enough to keep interest in the game alive, there may be a lot of stuff there but most of it is either behind the scenes, will require a lot of work to find or will require multiple playthroughs to get to.
In summary, thanks for visiting, don't get too excited about update and don't be afraid to give me feedback on the game, even criticisms. Some of the biggest changes in 0.4 are due to comments about the playability of the game and suggestions on how to improve it and it has made a big difference.


  1. So mostly I lurk because anything I have to say has usually already been said.

    Still, thought I would let you know at least one person does care enough to read your post and is interested in both the game and your well being.

    1. Thanks muchly, I know it sounds pathetic but everyone's ego needs a pat every now and then. Even this is enough to tide me over for a while.


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