
The Dawn of a New Era (or some other cool title)

Since it is both easier and safer for me to post here than on tfgamessite at the moment I have to decided to start a development blog for my projects. I often find myself wanting to post updates about my work but want to reserve my topic on the site for the release of new versions of the games and comments/questions about them. This blog allows me to post updates more regularly and freely.

I am also taking this opportunity to officially name the two projects I have been working on other than Redus, those being my proposed Summer Contest Entry Villa Maritima (which was almost cancelled after my accident) and Solus. You can find a little bit about them on their respective pages but right now my main focus is on Redus.

 Hopefully this new soap box will help keep my interest in my work during these unproductive times and will give you, the reader a clearer picture of how work is progressing and my working process. See you all soon! Oh, and before I forget, I heartily encourage your comments and questions about any of my work, even if it isn't positive just as long as it isn't needlessly rude. Bye again!


  1. Just a note about comments. I Think you'll get more REPLIES on tfgamessite. I'm a busy mom and looking after 6-7 blogs takes more time than looking at tfgamessite for news... :)

    1. True but I can post on here every day guilt free, when I was posting regular updates on TFGS I was triple and I believe at one point quad posting. It made me stop posting all together as I didn't want to constantly bump my own topic. I never expected to get more replies here than there and I still keep the topic on TFGS updated for major things. Plus anyone with a blogger account can subscribe to my blog and get my updates directly on their homepage or RSS reader if they don't. The only reason I have commented in the past about a lack of feedback is because I know how many visits I get daily to the blog compared to the number of messages I get. It isn't a problem, it's just when I'm feeling down it gets rather lonely.


How am I driving?