
One down and only 19 more to go (well 27 really)

I had about three hours to get stuff done today, I might do a bit more tonight but I doubt it. I'd rather play some XCOM or something. So, what did I get done in those three hours I hear no-one cry, well I'll tell you:
Christie now responds to your changes with a little more depth and a little less crazy, it makes her a more likeable character and works as a nice template for other characters.
I had planned on moving straight on to Jenny but was getting bored and so instead I worked on some hidden content. I'm not sure how many people will find it as it does require a fairly specific sequence of events and rather a lot of legwork but there is a new character and room if you do find it with some rather intriguing insight. I also added a couple more searchable entries on the PC taking the total up to 37. I want that number closer to 100 by the time the game is complete but I doubt most players will ever find more than 10-20 entries anyway. I like to reward the obsessive.
I'm also starting up a poll, there is no real end date, I just want to get some feedback on how you want to be rewarded for finding lots of Golden Stars. I have a few ideas but can't decide between them. Expect another update in the next day or two, I have the house to myself for a couple of hours pretty much every day now during the week. So long!

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