
And without further ado

Now that the blog is just about set up (it still needs some tweaking but there will be plenty of time for that later) it's time for the first progress report!

Today I have been modifying the character reactions to the player's changing appearance based on the new instant transformation system. I was mostly laying the groundwork that I can duplicate for each character with all of the conditions, based on what I have done each character will be able to comment each time you have changed your appearance with unique comments for your first change and if you revert to your original appearance. What's more, how you look the first time each character met you is recorded so if you were a blonde woman the first time spoke with Dr Langstrom he will consider that to be your default image so even if you return to how you looked at the beginning of the game he will still assume that you started as a woman. It took a little while longer to add that feature but I think it will make their reactions seem more authentic as they are based on their own perceptions rather than the player's. I only got around to adding a couple of the comments for Christie to make sure everything was working as intended but I have duplicated a blank version of the framework with all of the conditions so that's a large portion of the work done.

In order to facilitate this new setup I am rewriting all of the comments each character makes about how you look as well as adding comments for all characters who you may speak with at various stages throughout the game, even minor characters such as the security guard at the Warehouse; after all, why would he just let anyone walk in and out freely? It will take a long time to write them all but I can work on those during the day.

Between the streamlined transformation system, the more user-friendly magnifying glass and the new notepad functionality that reminds you of all of the things you need to do 0.4 is looking to be a feature-heavy update unlike 0.3 which was mostly new content although there will be more to do. I have done most of the work on a new piece of evidence that sheds some light on the history of Destiny Labs and her employees. I won't say what it is until release but it shouldn't be too hard to find, there won't be any 'guess the word' puzzles to solve to get to it or anything like that. I have also pretty much finished up work on a date with the handsome Dr Langstrom, depending on how much alone time I have over the next few months it may even lead somewhere...

Don't expect all updates to be this long, this one is covering the past few months of work including some stuff from before the accident, I just wanted to make sure we are all on the same page. Tatty bye!

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