
One down and only 19 more to go (well 27 really)

I had about three hours to get stuff done today, I might do a bit more tonight but I doubt it. I'd rather play some XCOM or something. So, what did I get done in those three hours I hear no-one cry, well I'll tell you:
Christie now responds to your changes with a little more depth and a little less crazy, it makes her a more likeable character and works as a nice template for other characters.
I had planned on moving straight on to Jenny but was getting bored and so instead I worked on some hidden content. I'm not sure how many people will find it as it does require a fairly specific sequence of events and rather a lot of legwork but there is a new character and room if you do find it with some rather intriguing insight. I also added a couple more searchable entries on the PC taking the total up to 37. I want that number closer to 100 by the time the game is complete but I doubt most players will ever find more than 10-20 entries anyway. I like to reward the obsessive.
I'm also starting up a poll, there is no real end date, I just want to get some feedback on how you want to be rewarded for finding lots of Golden Stars. I have a few ideas but can't decide between them. Expect another update in the next day or two, I have the house to myself for a couple of hours pretty much every day now during the week. So long!


Weekends aren't good for me, how about Monday?

It doesn't look like I'm going to get anything done over the next few days but whilst I'm in a productive mood, how about some stats instead? You do all like stats right? You do! Good.

The latest version of the game has so far been downloaded 5251 times, that's almost double the download count of the two previous versions combined!

The current build I am working on is 40,628KB, this includes 17,669KB of images leaving 22,959KB for text and the framework the format requires to be read by the player.

The game currently features 143 images, 268 objects, 28 characters, 56 rooms, 33 variables, 38 timers and 73 custom properties (variables specific to a character, room, object, player, variable or timer). Every object, character and room that can be interacted with also has a description displayed when you examine them, some even have multiple descriptions based on your current level of drunkenness or alternate descriptions if you inspect them. How descriptive!

Work began on Redus on the 17th February 2013 and continued until early June although there hasn't been much progress since then I have rough plans drawn up for a further 14 episodes. It is unlikely most of these will ever be made but that is my ultimate vision for the series.

Unfortunately there is no way to do a word count without manually copying the text from every text box and if I had time for that I would be working on the game! As always I would like to thank everyone who has made a positive comment about the game, if I'm honest I would like more feedback but I know that the internet is full of lurkers and observers so I won't press the matter further. I would also like to encourage fellow RAGS devs to upgrade to the paid version of the software to show their support, it isn't expensive and everyone benefits as it contributes to further software improvements which means better games.

If I do get any more work done before Monday I'll post another update but if not have a great weekend! I'll be checking in every evening to respond to any comments or questions, I want the community to have as much input into the development of this game as possible and I do consider every suggestion so please, don't be shy and you can always post anonymously if you wish. Bye then!


Just a trim for me thanks, I don't have long

I got a couple of hours to myself this morning, it looks like that's all I will be able to get done today. I'm about half way through Christie's reactions now. Her mood swings make her fun to write but a little tricky too. Looking over the old stuff I really failed to balance her reactions before, fortunately most of the worst of it was never user-accessible as the only way to get those reactions would require items I had not yet included in the game so only I had to face the sheer ridiculousness of some of what she had to say. I am feeling much more comfortable with the new content, there may be some oddness at first as I don't have the patience to cover every possible sequence of transformations but I'm trying to make her reactions as generic as I can whilst remaining realistic. I will also make it easier to unlock her dialogue about Rose and Dr Payne, anyone who found that in 0.3 should be congratulated for their effort but I feel it is too important a plot point to hide quite so well. I still want it to be hidden, just not so much so that only a handful of players ever get to experience it, it is one of my favourite parts of the game after all.

I think once I've finished on Christie I will get to work on Jenny next, since she knew Sam before the start her reactions will be easier to work with. Although to be honest, if the first time you meet Christie is as a redheaded woman, you are playing the game wrong. The game will allow you to do so and it is fully supported but your detective skills must leave something to be desired.


And without further ado

Now that the blog is just about set up (it still needs some tweaking but there will be plenty of time for that later) it's time for the first progress report!

Today I have been modifying the character reactions to the player's changing appearance based on the new instant transformation system. I was mostly laying the groundwork that I can duplicate for each character with all of the conditions, based on what I have done each character will be able to comment each time you have changed your appearance with unique comments for your first change and if you revert to your original appearance. What's more, how you look the first time each character met you is recorded so if you were a blonde woman the first time spoke with Dr Langstrom he will consider that to be your default image so even if you return to how you looked at the beginning of the game he will still assume that you started as a woman. It took a little while longer to add that feature but I think it will make their reactions seem more authentic as they are based on their own perceptions rather than the player's. I only got around to adding a couple of the comments for Christie to make sure everything was working as intended but I have duplicated a blank version of the framework with all of the conditions so that's a large portion of the work done.

In order to facilitate this new setup I am rewriting all of the comments each character makes about how you look as well as adding comments for all characters who you may speak with at various stages throughout the game, even minor characters such as the security guard at the Warehouse; after all, why would he just let anyone walk in and out freely? It will take a long time to write them all but I can work on those during the day.

Between the streamlined transformation system, the more user-friendly magnifying glass and the new notepad functionality that reminds you of all of the things you need to do 0.4 is looking to be a feature-heavy update unlike 0.3 which was mostly new content although there will be more to do. I have done most of the work on a new piece of evidence that sheds some light on the history of Destiny Labs and her employees. I won't say what it is until release but it shouldn't be too hard to find, there won't be any 'guess the word' puzzles to solve to get to it or anything like that. I have also pretty much finished up work on a date with the handsome Dr Langstrom, depending on how much alone time I have over the next few months it may even lead somewhere...

Don't expect all updates to be this long, this one is covering the past few months of work including some stuff from before the accident, I just wanted to make sure we are all on the same page. Tatty bye!

The Dawn of a New Era (or some other cool title)

Since it is both easier and safer for me to post here than on tfgamessite at the moment I have to decided to start a development blog for my projects. I often find myself wanting to post updates about my work but want to reserve my topic on the site for the release of new versions of the games and comments/questions about them. This blog allows me to post updates more regularly and freely.

I am also taking this opportunity to officially name the two projects I have been working on other than Redus, those being my proposed Summer Contest Entry Villa Maritima (which was almost cancelled after my accident) and Solus. You can find a little bit about them on their respective pages but right now my main focus is on Redus.

 Hopefully this new soap box will help keep my interest in my work during these unproductive times and will give you, the reader a clearer picture of how work is progressing and my working process. See you all soon! Oh, and before I forget, I heartily encourage your comments and questions about any of my work, even if it isn't positive just as long as it isn't needlessly rude. Bye again!