
Well that was a disaster, here is a release then!

After six hours without a single download I've decided just to release 0.4 publicly, I had intended on getting some feedback before letting everyone at it but even with a higher than average pageview count today not a single copy was shifted. I could've held off for a couple of days to give more people the chance to get it early but if I'm going to get the number of testers required to make this work asap I have to look elsewhere. Sorry to anyone reading this when this is the first chance you've had to grab the test build but the numbers are just too low for this to be feasible. On the bright side, you still get to play 0.4 and with more players, the bugs will be squashed much faster.

Well, here it is. I hope you enjoy: http://www.4shared.com/file/NvqUjit7ce/Redus_E1_-_A_Touch_of_Frost__0.html

As this is the same copy as the test version it is still likely buggy and I won't have a huge amount of time to fix it during the week so please, be patient and report any bugs you find. End game content remains the same as in 0.3


  1. Sorry for only writing this now, but the earlier download simply didn't work. It said something about only "publishers" being allowed to download. Maybe it was only me, but if you had a lot of page views and no downloads, I guess other people had the same problem.

    Anyway, gonna download it now and test as soon as possible. Thanks for the update!

    1. Odd, I'm getting plenty of D/loads now but I haven't changed the link or anything. Maybe it was just a temp thing. Anyway, it's out there now so what's done is done. I hope it works for you now.

    2. Murrica is also 6-8 hours behind you, too.

    3. Actually, most of my audience is German, Italian, Dutch or Australian these days. I'm not sure why but my North and South American visitors combined are less than 30% of the usual traffic. After each release that shifts to about 90% but it seems that Americans have a shorter attention span or less patience than Europeans.

    4. One of Google's far more annoying things abot blogspot is that if you're going to comment it forces you to use blogspot.com and not blogspot.co.uk or whatever; it makes me wonder if that fucks up the analytics someway or somehow. Stupid Google.

  2. Playing the update right now, and I like the more 'streamlined' version for the TFs. I'm extremely sad that (spoiler spoiler!) Serum 8 seems to just reverse the effects of Serum - 8, and not give you larger breasts, though... Seems like a wasted opportunity... :(

    1. I'm avoiding any extremes in this series, I feel that if I give too much attention to the customisation side it will ultimately detract from the story as well as giving me a lot more work to do.

    2. I do wonder what the missing Serum 4 would be! I demand more bits!


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