
I think that went rather well, don't you Sebastian?

With the release of hotfix or whatever I'm deciding to call it, it seems that there were fewer bugs reported than I had expected. Still under 1,000 downloads but plenty of interest nonetheless. I will be taking this weekend off and possibly next weekend as well so I can catch up with old friends whom I have neglected off late before I get to work on 0.5. I'll still be around to address any comments, queries or concerns and if any major bugs are reported I will release another fix but otherwise, see you all in a few weeks!


  1. I feel bad that I haven't made any commentary here or at tfg, but the changes have mostly been pretty subtle and it's (still) a little unclear to me whether the effects were intended or not - especially in that there seems to be a rigid time counter where things happen after the nth step of the day.

    1. The time counter is still event driven, not step driven. The only changes to the time are the extra slot and some events no longer pass time that did before. There is a change log for the update @ http://tfgamessite.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4086 although it is incomplete


How am I driving?