
I think that went rather well, don't you Sebastian?

With the release of hotfix or whatever I'm deciding to call it, it seems that there were fewer bugs reported than I had expected. Still under 1,000 downloads but plenty of interest nonetheless. I will be taking this weekend off and possibly next weekend as well so I can catch up with old friends whom I have neglected off late before I get to work on 0.5. I'll still be around to address any comments, queries or concerns and if any major bugs are reported I will release another fix but otherwise, see you all in a few weeks!


With this new shell softener, only the toughest bugs stand in our way!

Bugfix is live @ http://www.4shared.com/file/JvSmP-nJba/Redus_E1_-_A_Touch_of_Frost__0.html

Fixes include:
Spelling mistakes and missed words reported by Blubbif
The club should no longer be accessible pre-change
Cameron Clark (the Hall of Records receptionist/manager) has his reaction back! It turns out it was deleted during a crash last week and I must have restored to an earlier version than expected.
If you've spoken to Jenny post-change her phone conversation should reflect that, I had accidentally selected less than or equals rather than less than during a condition so it played the same message regardless.
If Jenny calls you back you should be able to talk about her findings later on in the week, I'm not 100% sure this one is fixed but there was a condition still active that was no longer relevant that would explain the erroneous behaviour

These bugs were reported but are not fixed yet:
The dock manager ignores your gender change, after looking through his conversations it will take much longer to write his reactions than I had hoped so I will push this back to 0.41
Kues reported an end-game bug, due to the complexity of the final scene and the lack of conclusive content the work required to find and fix this bug is excessive at this time, I will keep the report logged and will get to it once I get back to work on the endings. Expect this fix in 0.5

Any further reports of bugs or mistakes are appreciated and where I can I will release bugfix versions like this for the next few weeks if required, after that any reported issues will be fixed in future major(0.5) or minor(0.41) releases. Thanks to all for your help and continued support.


Well that was a disaster, here is a release then!

After six hours without a single download I've decided just to release 0.4 publicly, I had intended on getting some feedback before letting everyone at it but even with a higher than average pageview count today not a single copy was shifted. I could've held off for a couple of days to give more people the chance to get it early but if I'm going to get the number of testers required to make this work asap I have to look elsewhere. Sorry to anyone reading this when this is the first chance you've had to grab the test build but the numbers are just too low for this to be feasible. On the bright side, you still get to play 0.4 and with more players, the bugs will be squashed much faster.

Well, here it is. I hope you enjoy: http://www.4shared.com/file/NvqUjit7ce/Redus_E1_-_A_Touch_of_Frost__0.html

As this is the same copy as the test version it is still likely buggy and I won't have a huge amount of time to fix it during the week so please, be patient and report any bugs you find. End game content remains the same as in 0.3


Let's hope tomorrow goes better then.

I'm getting tired of apologizing for not getting as much done as I had expected but I'm going to anyway. Rather than give an excuse I'll just say that I only managed a couple of hours this weekend so I'm still not done with Cameron. I do have tomorrow off though so with any luck I should get some more done then, I definitely have some free time so it will just be a case of forcing myself to get on with it. It's been a few weeks since I made any major progress so it's getting harder to get back into the groove but I know that if I get my head down I will get there again.
All of that said I did make some progress with a whole new conversation and the groundwork set for the work I still have to do to finish him up.

Also. This is post 69. I tried to leave it but I couldn't resist.


There must have been a cat on the mat

My mouse has died on me, I can pick up a new one easily enough but it made working on Redus today a little tougher than usual. Still, I got a few hours of work done, mostly on minor characters to ensure that they at least acknowledge your change in appearance. I wanted to get more done but it's getting difficult to find enough free time to do even three hours per week these days, you guys know the score by now though. Progress may be slow but I have no intention of abandoning this project and one day it will be finished. The next update isn't that far off now and I will try to reduce the amount of new content in future updates to minimize the delay between them. I want to finish off Cameron next weekend and that should conclude the non-adult portion of the update.