
It isn't my fault for once!

Alright, finally decided to get some Redus done this weekend, started up RAGs, opened the game and... crash. Tried again and the file is unreadable.
No problem, I've had lot's of experience with RAGs crashing in the past so I have plenty of backup copies. Grab one and it is also unreadable.
Tried some other games and all of the had the same problem so it must be RAGs rather than my game.
Install a later version and try again with the same results.
Annoyed now, downloaded and installed version 3 and tried that, success! Hideous and irritating but it works and my game is back into the development zone right? Nope.
I already knew that version 3 uses html to define the text colour so that I was expecting, what I wasn't expecting is that none of my javascript works and when I go to the rags site to find out why the forums are inaccessible.
I finally get to some of the relevant topics through direct links only to find that there shouldn't be a problem with any of my code, no reason I could find anyway.
Then the designer went and crashed on me again.
I have now spent four hours trying to find ways around these issues and frankly I can't be bothered right now. Has anyone else had any problems with Javascript in RAGs 3? Any ideas why even basic commands such as [len(variable)]  have stopped working? Also the game is no longer showing the time in the status bar, just error 1 instead. Every time I press the test javascript button on any of my code the designer crashes so I can only test it by actually running the game.
For now I'm going to play Titanfall to cool off for a while.


  1. Version 3 is still very much under development. I Think the most recent good version is 2.4.16 or something. It should also be on the download page.
    You might want to try to uninstall all of RAGS versions from your PC, reboot, then try only 2.4.16 again?

    1. That was the version I was using, tried wiping and starting over, tried compatibility mode (although I wasn't expecting that to work). I tried using the config files from a backup of my old PC, reg fixing, everything I could think of. I'll try again next weekend but I'm out of ideas.


How am I driving?