
Results are in and the winner is...

The results of the poll was interesting, it seems that people are happy with the game as planned. Unfortunately I am not and for those of you who haven't seen my post over at TFGS I am going against the public and choosing the hybrid option. It is too good an opportunity to pass up and so that is what I am going with.
I've had a week off now so I'm getting back on with it and have already begun implementing this new setup. It shouldn't take long to do, no more than a week I shouldn't have thought, and since there will be much less work to do once it is done I may even begin wrapping up this update. I still have Jenny, Rebecca and Mark to sort out before everything is as it was but they will require less work now and I can always skip them for now. I will get at least Jenny done and then tweak Christie and Sonia to comply with the hybrid setup. That will mostly involve blocking off some conditions that are no longer required rather than re-doing any work. If I don't post again tonight expect a progress update in the next couple of days. I have more free time than usual this week and thanks to my week off (mostly spent playing GTA V and XCOM: EW) I don't have the usual distractions. Toodlepipski!

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