
Okay this is getting silly, two days in a row? What? I don't expect this trend to continue but would be very happy if it did.
Finally got some work done on Sonia (and trust me she needs it!); I wanted to get something done with her reactions but I noticed a number of major issues with some of her other conversation topics, mostly regarding the change from slow to instant transformations. A lot of options were dependent on you being between major stages and so much tweaking, rewriting and the creation of entirely new options was required to compensate. That said I did get some of her reactions done, or at least several branches from one of her reaction trees. Still, it should look great when it's done. You would have to play the game a stupid number of times to find every branch so that should give the game a little re-playability.
I think I'll just add the reactions for a couple more characters for this version. I still have plenty of work to do before everything is working again but once I'm back to where I was new content will be so much easier to create. There is something like 85% fewer branches required for each character, sex scene or TF item. I know that at the moment it must seems like all this update is doing is recreating existing content and taking a long time to do so, but it will make a huge difference later on and actually, after playing through the current build a few times there is a surprising number of new features. If you are able to find them that is. One of the new characters is currently too well hidden but I will leave that as it is until a later version as it isn't in any way important right now. I may even just leave it like that as a super easter egg that only the luckiest or most dedicate of you will ever find.
We'll see... For now, I'm just happy that I have managed to get a good 8 hours or so done in two days. Here's hoping for more!

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