
Shake it like a polaroid picture

Well yesterday sucked, didn't post an update because there wasn't anything to report. I had a string of things to do all of which took longer than expected and were as pointless as one another. By the time I got home (late) I didn't have the brain to do work so I played some Broken Sword instead (one of the bigger inspirations for Redus, seriously if you have never played the series get it on Steam or something, they rule).
I was busy this morning as well and so I had to work later than usual to get enough done, the story is complete although sure to be buggy still. Also the world feels very empty, I still need to add descriptions and furniture to bulk it all out. The problem is I don't want to write a description only to have a picture than contradicts it completely. Oh, and finding usable pics is turning out to be a major ball ache. Seriously, how hard can it be to find half-decent pics of interiors for council flats? (Low-rent apartments work as well but the pics have to be at night and not look overly American). There is a good chance there may be missing pics by the time I release this thing, something I really didn't want but I'm running out of ideas now. If anyone has any location pics they think would fit this purpose I would appreciate it, even if I can't use them for this they could be useful for other projects. Fingers crossed that I can get this all wrapped up within the next 24 hours.


  1. if you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by too american, do american flats/apartments look different? no insult meant, just genuinely curious.

  2. British flats tend to look more like prefab buildings than lasting structures and every apartment building I have seen has been converted from something else such as a mill or small hospital. That may sound odd but space is at a premium in the UK and a lot of inner-city structures were built to last and are over a hundred years old.
    Obviously having never been to America my experience of US Apartment buildings is limited to TV, movies and the photos I have found so far. The rooms tend to be much larger and more open with more exposed wood.
    The look I am going for is low-rent, motel rooms would I guess be a decent analogue only the building itself is brickwork and so the walls mustn't look like they would be knocked over by a stiff breeze.


How am I driving?