
Not in the mood for this

I guess I can't put this off any longer, that's not fair on you guys. I'm not working on any games right now and I doubt I will be doing so any time soon so you can forget about that Jan 1st deadline. You can keep checking on here if you want but don't expect to find any updates any time soon.

Screw it, I'll just tell you. My sister passed away last week, she was in hospital for a few weeks and I was watching the house and cats for her. Anyway there were complications during surgery and she didn't make it and I can't be arsed working on some game that. Fuck this I can't even think of words right now.
This was just a heads up so, yeah there you go. This has been a crap year. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go have a drink and watch some TV. I really shouldn't be writing this when I'm in a mood like this but I've been putting if off long enough already.

Oh and thanks for the 0 replies regarding that other game idea, at least it means less work in the future, I don't even know if I can be bothered doing this anymore tbh. I'll wait until christmas and then I'll decide if I'm giving up on making these games. Hopefully my head will be clearer by then.

This is Tim signing off the foreseeable future


Blast it where is that rope?

It looks like this could take a while, I might be able to pop home this weekend for a few hours though so I will try to finish and post the minigame if I can at some point over the next few days (no promises though, I don't drive so I have no say in when and for how long I can go back but I promise to do my best). The delay on Redus will continue for at least another week, I'm not going to change the deadline for that but there may be less new content than I was hoping for and some of the character reactions may not be done, we'll see how that all goes. Also I may be finally getting a new job soon, I have been informed through back channels that I will be being contacted soon to arrange an interview. What does this mean for you guys? Work on Redus will slow down even more in the future :( . What does it mean for me guys? For the first time in nearly 12 months now I will have money. As always I will keep you all posted on developments but if I do get this job I will be able to move into a new place so whilst I won't be able to make games during the day any more I will have evenings and weekends to work on them so the difference won't be huge.
My time here hasn't been completely wasted though, with my other games already planned out I have started designing another one, it is quite different from anything I have worked on before and is definitely not to everyone's taste but if I ever get around to creating it I think it would be a very interesting project to work on. I'd like to hear what you guys think about it so I can judge if there would ever be any demand for it:
You are on a ski holiday with some classmates (18-20 year olds) and your girlfriend. A supernatural being (I haven't decided who yet) catches you flirting with another girl and punishes you by turning you into the dog you are. You then play as a husky and have a few options available; find a bitch and live out your days as a dog, remain faithful to your GF and earn your old life back or try to get with the other girls in the lodge regardless. (Doing so would require alcohol, sabotage and taking advantage of your new position and yes, this route would include bestiality from the animal's POV).

I have a few scenarios sketched out but this is even further outside of my comfort zone than Redus is and I don't want to delve much deeper into this idea if it will only result in negative feedback. This is a niche fetish so please, if you aren't into this sort of thing don't bother spamming but if this sounds even remotely interesting to you please let me know. I don't care how you do be it anon posting here, pm-ing on TFGS or creating a temp email account and emailing me (seriously ten-minute email services rule and don't require you to create an account or anything). If I do work on this at some point in the future it will not interfere with my plans for Redus and I will not delay any other project for it.Actually I already have some location pics I could use on my PC at home that would be perfect so that's a big part of the work done already.
I know in the past I have joked about the lack of comments here but if you have any comments about this concept please let me know because if there is no perceivable interest it will never go any further than the notes I have jotted down already and I can't help but feel that it deserves a chance. It's fate is in your hands.


Why is it so hard to release? I've got devs constipation!

Guess what gang? No release today, or for the next few days. I don't know when exactly I'll be back home but I won't have access to my PC for a little while. I actually have better internet here but no RAGS and I didn't put the files online. I would rather not go into too much detail about what is going on only that it is a family matter. As I said I still have internet access and actually I can use it more freely so I will be on here and TFGS a lot over the coming days, I'll post an update when I know when I will be able to go back home. The game was close enough to completion that I should be able to finish it off and release it that same day or the next morning. If this lasts longer than I think it will though I may also have to revise that Jan 1st deadline... Bad times.


There goes another deadline

Still missing lots of pics, spent all day babysitting so not much progress, I can get some done tonight but there is no way it will be ready by tonight. Sundays are never good for me, I'll try to get it out tomorrow but it is looking likely that it will be a Monday release now. Sorry. Well at least everyone is back to school on Monday so I will be able to go back to working on Redus straight away, it just means that I won't get to play any Injustice this weekend. These delays are hurting me more than they are annoying you trust me.


Shake it like a polaroid picture

Well yesterday sucked, didn't post an update because there wasn't anything to report. I had a string of things to do all of which took longer than expected and were as pointless as one another. By the time I got home (late) I didn't have the brain to do work so I played some Broken Sword instead (one of the bigger inspirations for Redus, seriously if you have never played the series get it on Steam or something, they rule).
I was busy this morning as well and so I had to work later than usual to get enough done, the story is complete although sure to be buggy still. Also the world feels very empty, I still need to add descriptions and furniture to bulk it all out. The problem is I don't want to write a description only to have a picture than contradicts it completely. Oh, and finding usable pics is turning out to be a major ball ache. Seriously, how hard can it be to find half-decent pics of interiors for council flats? (Low-rent apartments work as well but the pics have to be at night and not look overly American). There is a good chance there may be missing pics by the time I release this thing, something I really didn't want but I'm running out of ideas now. If anyone has any location pics they think would fit this purpose I would appreciate it, even if I can't use them for this they could be useful for other projects. Fingers crossed that I can get this all wrapped up within the next 24 hours.