
What a difference a downdate makes

Following up from last week, I've been looking at ways to get RAGs 2.4 working again and to my surprise, today it did! (No idea why)
Unfortunately Redus still wasn't working, but now that the designer was I tried loading a backup copy I'd made. Still no luck. Out of desperation I tried loading up the pre-bugfix copy of version 4 and for some bizarre, unknowable reason that did the trick. I've re-squashed those bugs and so for now at least I have a working, editable copy of the game, yipee hooray!

This is the first time I've had the game running on my new computer and the first thing I noticed was how different the images look, my old monitor has sub-hd resolution whilst my new one is currently at 1080p. I was not pleased by the change and some of the pictures are downright horrible compared to their acceptable appearance they had before. By coincidence I am currently in the middle of a 30 day free trial for the latest version of Adobe Photoshop so I can use this opportunity to both standardise and improve the images where possible, GIMP handles the basics fine but lacks the advanced tools and filters that make the difference.

So that's what's up this week. Progress is going to be slow over the next year but I want this next update to finally add at least one good ending and to introduce some more adult-oriented content to balance out the deepening story and care-free humour.


It isn't my fault for once!

Alright, finally decided to get some Redus done this weekend, started up RAGs, opened the game and... crash. Tried again and the file is unreadable.
No problem, I've had lot's of experience with RAGs crashing in the past so I have plenty of backup copies. Grab one and it is also unreadable.
Tried some other games and all of the had the same problem so it must be RAGs rather than my game.
Install a later version and try again with the same results.
Annoyed now, downloaded and installed version 3 and tried that, success! Hideous and irritating but it works and my game is back into the development zone right? Nope.
I already knew that version 3 uses html to define the text colour so that I was expecting, what I wasn't expecting is that none of my javascript works and when I go to the rags site to find out why the forums are inaccessible.
I finally get to some of the relevant topics through direct links only to find that there shouldn't be a problem with any of my code, no reason I could find anyway.
Then the designer went and crashed on me again.
I have now spent four hours trying to find ways around these issues and frankly I can't be bothered right now. Has anyone else had any problems with Javascript in RAGs 3? Any ideas why even basic commands such as [len(variable)]  have stopped working? Also the game is no longer showing the time in the status bar, just error 1 instead. Every time I press the test javascript button on any of my code the designer crashes so I can only test it by actually running the game.
For now I'm going to play Titanfall to cool off for a while.