
This is not an update! (No really)

I just wanted to check-in, I know it's been a while but I'm not ready to lose my freedom again just yet, I just wanted to let you all know that I haven't forgotten about you and per my promise I will come back to this at some point in the next few weeks/months. I'm not going to just leave it and disappear. So while I'm here, what's been going on? Well for one thing, nothing major has happened to me or my family since I last posted! That's a big deal for me. Also I have a new computer now so although I don't have RAGS installed at the moment it should run faster and more stable, also since it supports a higher resolution than my old one I can see what everyone else sees when they play my game which should both speed up design a little and improve the conversations slightly. Yippee hooray!
As always thanks for sticking around, there should be a nice juicy gameless gap coming up once I'm done with Tropico V and Fire Emblem Awakening so with any luck I might just be able to bring myself to get productive again.
I'll be back.

1 comment:

How am I driving?