
Nothing much to report

but I would rather post something than leave you guys in the dark for too long. I've been very busy this weekend making up for last week as expected as well as mothers day here in the UK, I got a few hours in working on the guard and some pretty brutal bugs I found but no real progress to speak of I'm afraid. I know I say this a lot but next weekend I want to make a solid push towards the next checkpoint. Sorry to keep you all waiting but I need you to be patient for that little bit longer.


Now with updates on the go!

Well now that I can post on here from my phone I can let you guys know what is going on. I was away from my pc this weekend and will continue to be so until friday morning. Yes this is the family thing I mentioned previously. I should be free most of next weekend but since I'm losing nearly a week it's likely that I will be fairly busy catching up on stuff so although I will probably get some work done next weekend it won't be a lot. Still, with this out of the way I should be able to get back to normality soon enough.


The early post catches the reader

I'm going to be busy for the rest of today so I may as well post this now rather than later on.
I managed to complete Dr Payne this morning, that means that I now have more characters with reactions than I did before the instant TF changeover and am one step closer to releasing the update. I still have to:
  • Finish off some implementation of a new lead, 
  • Add a little more conversation content to Michelle, Jenny, the landlord, Cameron and the warehouse guard, 
  • Fix a few long-standing bugs, 
  • Finish a masturbation scene, 
  • Finish a sex scene, 
  • Tweak some of the hidden, unlockable content and add one or two more things
  • And I was planning on working some more on at least one of the endings. 
Then I can get testing. There are lots of other things I wanted in this update but they will have to wait, I'm just too busy right now.

If I don't post anything next weekend it will most likely be because I'm not at home, if that's the case I will let you know as soon as I get back.


Time is a most curious thing

I was hoping to get some work done by now but it's just been one thing after another, nothing major just lots of small things like needing to go out to buy something or running some errand or another, just general life things. That said it looks like next weekend could be a much larger problem, that family issue is likely to occur within the next few days and when it does it will take up the whole weekend. There's nothing I can do to prevent that, I really wish there was.
I may be able to get some work done tomorrow although I do have a couple more errands to run before Monday so we'll have to see. If I can work I will do so for as long as possible but if not... life is very chaotic at the moment, I am honestly putting as much free time into this as possible and will continue to do so until the update is done, after that I will likely take a break as feedback flows in before deciding on my next move.


It is as I feared

I tried to make time for Redus but there was nothing I could do, I am also expecting that this same situation will arise again at some point in the next few weeks. As ever I will keep you all posted. This is not going to turn into a major issue that takes weeks to resolve or anything so there is no need to worry, at most I could lose another weekend or two but no more than that. I should be able to get some work done on Friday and I currently have no plans for next weekend either so I should be able to get a few hours done then.


A little heads up

It looks like I'm going to be busy all day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday this weekend. If I can I will do my best to squeeze in some RAGS time but it is looking unlikely. If I can't I will try to redouble my efforts next weekend to make up for it. Just wanted to keep you all posted.
Yesterday was the blog's quietest day yet, even when I was inactive for weeks I was getting more traffic. It's not an issue I'm just a little curious, if anything it's good news for those of you who do keep coming back. I intend to release a test build of 0.4 on here at some point before the actual release on TFGS. I will not announce the test release until the day it goes live and it will only be there for a couple of days at the most depending on the number of downloads, in other words, those of you who check this blog regularly will be rewarded with early access. I will go into in more detail at the time but it will likely happen at some point in the next 8 weeks.
That's it for now, if I don't post anything this weekend I'll see you all next weekend (probably), tatty-bye!


Just another working Sunday

Mark is done now. Just Preston to go before I can move onto other things, I have about thirty more things to add yet. I'm torn between wanting to get the update out ASAP and wanting to add as much content as I can. Most of the update is just rewrites and mechanic changes with almost no new story or explicit content. After such a long delay I don't want to release it only to have everyone complain about how they can't get any further than they could before but I certainly don't want to hold it back any longer than I have to. Still, I've put a lot of work into this update so it's happening one way or another.