
Herpy Nude Year everyone!

The Halo 5 beta has been sucking up my free time but I did manage to get the date with Christie squared away.
As I had expected nothing sexual happens here but it does cement your relationship with her and I think the whole thing is rather sweet. At the end of the episode if you get a good ending I'm planning on adding an epilogue where you choose who (if anyone) you want to end up with. This decision would be carried on through the rest of the series if I continue with it and you can only choose those you romance during the game. Jenny will of course be the easiest as you have a lot of history together but I also want to have at least Christie, Sonia, Mark and Rebecca (Alexia is also a planned option right now but it I decide it is too much work I will let her go). Preston will not be an option and nor will Nigel, I may give Reg a shot just for the comedy factor. Ultimately the decision would not have a major impact but it will likely result in one or two character exclusive scenes further down the line.
I still need to tidy up some of the loose strings post-date to ensure I don't leave too many bugs in play but I will soon be moving on to writing one or two sex scenes. It's long past due now with Jenny being the only fuckable character and a limited number of masturbation scenes scattered throughout. If I don't add more soon I will keep putting them off.

Happy New Year and I hope you all go out and find/make some awesome games to pass the time while I slowly build 0.5 up to where 0.4 should have been.


  1. Given Christie's severe reaction to you turning female, I'd like to know how she'd respond to weenie growth.

  2. You're right, I thought I had at least a mention of it in the reaction scene if you find yourself sporting a man-club but I guess I never put it in the new one. I'm not sure where I'm going to put it but I have to have Sam mention it at some point to her or things could get even more awkward. The date is definately not the right place but I'm sure I can find somewhere to bring it up. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
    Incidentally if you do want to know how she responds the older versions are still available. I believe that both 0.2 and 0.3 had her reactions although I can't remember if they were accessible. In any case I will make sure to include it and yes, she isn't best pleased about it. :D


How am I driving?