
Happy Shopper

And with that, every single image in the game (and a few not in yet), has been converted to the new format, I was surprised by how many artifacts were left on several of the partially transparent images, that should be mostly cleared up now as I trimmed each image before hand to ensure accurate boundaries. Inventory items are scaled to roughly 400x400 with a max height of 500 and a max width of 600, this should provide a decent sized boundary around each of them to ensure that no item takes up the whole window. Characters will use up more screen space than that as you would expect and some use more than I would like as better scaled source images were not always available (for example, if the original image cut off the top of the head and both shoulders, rather than try to recreate parts of their bodies, I had to stick with the aspect as given. There were a small number of images where I did end up adding artificial shoulders to alleviate this problem, especially when the source images are square).
I haven't put the pics into the game yet, that is my next task. I just hope I don't miss any, there are far too many images to replace one-by-one (128 pics at last count), so this will be a bulk task.

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